“Money as Debt” is a concept that explores the nature of money in modern economies, particularly focusing on the idea that most of the money in circulation is created through debt. This concept is often discussed in economic and financial circles, especially in critiques of the current banking system.
Key Points:
- Money Creation by Banks:
- In modern economies, money is primarily created by commercial banks through the process of lending. When a bank provides a loan, it essentially creates new money. The amount lent is added to the borrower’s account as a deposit, which the borrower can then use, even though the bank has not necessarily transferred money from another account.
- Fractional Reserve Banking:
- This system allows banks to lend out more money than they actually hold in reserves. They keep only a fraction of deposits as reserves, lending out the majority to earn interest. This amplifies the money supply in the economy.
- Debt and Money Supply:
- Since money is created through lending, an increase in debt leads to an increase in the money supply. Conversely, when loans are repaid, the money is effectively destroyed, reducing the money supply. This ties the amount of money in circulation directly to the level of debt in the economy.
- Criticism:
- Critics argue that this system leads to economic instability, as it creates a dependence on continuous borrowing. Since interest must be paid on loans, more money needs to be created to cover the interest, leading to an ever-increasing cycle of debt. Additionally, it can contribute to economic inequality, as those who have access to credit can accumulate wealth more easily.
- Educational Resources:
- “Money as Debt” is also the title of a well-known documentary by Paul Grignon, which explains these concepts in a straightforward manner. The documentary critiques the current monetary system and explores alternatives.
This concept highlights the complexities and potential issues within the modern monetary system, particularly the reliance on debt to sustain economic growth and the implications it has for financial stability.
What do you see Luis?
I see a pyramid with the world as it’s eye.
Yes, you are correct. In my empire
everyone is free to choose their own religion.
Bavarian Illuminati
Ancient conspiracy
Founded in the 20th Century (Gregorian) by Mordecai Malignatus.
Eternal enemies of Discordians everywhere.
Supported by and funded through various Discordian enterprises.
They are everywhere
You are paranoid
Operation Mindfuck
Yes, MC, the Bavarian Illuminati are our eternal enemies. Joe and I are planning a 13 bloodlines album.
You have to let us help.
Get everyone the slack they deserve.
Did i not save you with the selenium rich Brazil Nuts JUST IN TIME?
@luis I taught NF about the Subgenius religion on Spielbergo’s forum.
You girls got to date us instead of those rich Hollywood snobs.
Camilla Cabello speaks for all of us:
This video is a documentary about my shitty X
Hunter Hurst Helmsworth.
In my hometown Sao Miguel i am a King from a royal bloodline. Over here in Babylon i am nothing.
In my hometown in Dalmatia I am from a noble family…
with many grandparents who were Knights
My family saw the Camilla Cabello video and they think you tried to burn down the Church. What happened? Tell the truth.
The masons and illuminati think they are on a Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven:
So i made a little stairway to HELL. No damage to anything. The stairs going down to their dungeon is solid concrete…..it was all under control
I just want the bad priests GONE
especially Archbishop Michael.