Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Trance Formation of America BOOK EXCERPTS

My television, books, and music became even more strictly controlled and
monitored that before. This was not only to infringe on my last minuscule
freedom of choice, but for total mind-control conditioning purposes.
For example, the annual televising of Judy Garland’s Wizard Of Oz was
celebrated as a grand holiday around my house. This was to prepare my mind
for future base programming on the theme that I, like Dorothy, could “spin”
into another dimension “Over the Rainbow”. After all, “Birds (Byrds) fly over
the Rainbow…” was a theme that became a part of my life.

The majority of my programming, as well as a large part of Kelly’s, was
again Oz theme based. This means the combination of codes, keys and triggers
to access me were related to L. Frank Baum’s story, The Wizard Of Oz.
Whether or not it was Baum’s intention (or for that matter Walt Disney’s, Lewis
Carroll’s, etc.), it is evident that his psychologically intense story was used for
manipulating minds. Much of The Wizard Of Oz lends itself to themes
commonly used by perpetrators. For example, nearly all MPD/DIDs have
suffered the loss of pets during ritualized torture. And all of Baum’s primary
character Dorothy’s nightmarish experiences “over the rainbow in Oz” stemmed
from her desire to risk her own life to protect her threatened pet. Abusers use
this lesson to condition the victim to drop all resistance and cooperate or “I’ll
get you, my pretty, and your little dog (or child) too.” The “over the rainbow”
scramble of dreams vs. reality provides abusers a theme by which to manipulate
an MPD’s subconscious perception of switching personalities. Oftentimes this
theme is transdimensional as is Oz, or that which was just experienced was “just
a bad dream” like Dorothy was told upon her awakening in her own bed back in

Sex slaves were not routinely permitted in the Underground for security
reasons, leaving the lounge’s small stage as the only source of “entertainment”.
This entertainment ranged from would-be talents such as Lee Atwater, Bill
Clinton, and George Bush to CIA Operative entertainers such as Boxcar Willie
and Lee Greenwood, On one occasion I was instructed to meet with former
President Gerald Ford in the Underground where Lee Atwater was picking and
singing. As I waited through the smoke-filled room to Ford’s table, Atwater
interrupted his song to cryptically acknowledge my unwelcome presence by
singing choruses of “Over the Rainbow” and Byrd’s song for me “Country
Roads” while emphasizing the lines of “Almost heaven, West Virginia”.

Byrd had not distanced himself too far from me, though, where government
operations were concerned. When I was “over the rainbow” in D.C. during the
summer of ’87, it was business as usual with Byrd. I was escorted to Goddard
Space Flight Center where Byrd was waiting for me in a sterile hallway near the
brass-trimmed, mirrored elevators. He was loaded down with items, which he
deposited on a small table as he greeted me. He picked up a NASA ID badge
and clipped it on my nipple, the metal teeth biting me with their serrated edges.
When I (softly) cried out, he said, “Oh OK. Ill wear it,” removed it, and
clipped it on his white lab coat. He handed me a NASA lab coat like his and a
white hard bat. His hard hat suggestively and “humorously” said HARD in
bold red letters. My hat said NASA, in a mirror reversal of the standard bold
red lettering. When I read it in a mirror, it appeared as though I were on the
wrong side of the mirror and needed to step through (according to Alice In
Wonderland/NASA programming). It also clearly indicated to those-in-the know that I was under mind control. Byrd looked at his pocket watch
prompting a wave of terror in me, and said in Wonderland cryptic, “We’re late.
As the elevator drops down the rabbit hole, we’ll reverse time in order to get
there a few minutes early.”


Miley and Ariana, u love Luis and Joe and not the CIA

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6 Replies to “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”

  1. 1939 this stuff was going one

    ‘I’ll ruin you’: Judy Garland on being groped and harassed by powerful Hollywood men

    Teenage Judy Garland Was Repeatedly Molested by Munchkins on Set of Wizard of Oz, According to Her Ex-Husband

  2. Lord God, Heavenly Father, you know that we are set in the midst of so many and great dangers, that by reason of the frailty of our nature we cannot always stand upright: Grant us such strength and protection, to support us in all danger, and carry us through all temptations; …

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